How we grow trees!


Step 1: Planting the seed, to change the world!

We take a tiny seed, and start the process of making it a giant.

The first stage is planting our seeds into a nurturing and nutrients rich environment, giving them the best chance.

We do this by not growing them in plastic pots, but instead eco-friendly and biodegradable fabric bags. Allowing the plants to breathe and prevent them from forming entangle roots, rot roots and damaged roots and more due to the inability to penetrate the container walls.

Our tree nurseries

At present, all of our UK trees are hand-grown from seed to sapling in Lincolnshire. Carefully tended for by our team of experts.

With onsite access to state of the art soil sampling equipment, pesticide and plant testing equipment. There is always a trained expert on hand to ensure our plants are cared for.

Within our Lincolnshire based nursery we have:

  • PhD doctorates in agronomy.
  • Plant machinery and polytunnels.
  • Organic fertilisers and pesticide production facility.
  • An onsite laboratory including microscopes and plant analyzing equipment.

We're now looking for a new nursery which will be in the south of England. This nursery will take over the larger volumes of growing, leaving the area in Lincolnshire as the science behind the growth, to focus on new hardy tree variations and tree protection.

The ever so slight temperature difference between the Midlands and the South of the country will let the trees grow that little longer before winter hits. As they say in GOT, Winters Coming.

Step 2: Steping outside

Once the seed has grown to a sapling of between 2ft and 3ft, usually taking 6 - 12 months (dependent on tree type) we move the plants outside. Still, in a nurturing environment, it allows the plants to in essence, toughen up and become acclimatised with the weather, while still being cared for.

The eco-friendly bags they're grown in at this stage allows for excellent water permeability and breathability, allowing delicate roots to punch through the bags while moisture and nutrients are free to penetrate.

At this stage, some plants are moved to larger eco-friendly sapling bags.


Step 3: Time to grow up!

After 6-12 months of being gradually nurtured, the saplings are all stacked onto lorries and taken to their selected forest.

When planting the saplings grow faster after replanting due to "air-pruned" effect. As they are planted within their original eco-friendly seeding bags, which are full or nutrients, the saplings have a huge success rate of successfully taking route and growing.

The Forests

We can only make our goal of planting 1 million trees if we work with other organisations. Why? you may ask!... well it's simply the vast amount of land needed to plant that many trees.

With a healthy forest having 60 trees per acre, we'd need over 16,000 acres, that's over 9,000 football pitches or a carpark big enough to fit over 2.5 million cars.

Which is why we rent land, work with national farmers and even the national forestry commission. Our saplings literally travel the country before they get to their final home.

Step 4: Checkups

We perform regular visits of the forests we grow our trees in. Not simply to just look at the plants we've grown, but also to check the overall health of the forests.

If we ever notice any large scale issues such as death of a lot of trees, we contact the appropriate people to ensure the trees get back up to health.

Depending on the type of tree and where it was grown, your seed could be growing for well over 100 years.


Our forests are beautiful.... help keep them that way!